Revival Services

Sun, Feb 2: 9am, 10:30am, 6:30pm. Mon, Feb 3: 6:30pm.

Details Below

Revival Services

Have you sensed recently that God is calling you to more? To know Him more, to have a deeper and more resilient joy, peace, and purpose? We have felt profoundly stirred to press in for more. For true spiritual awakening and revival. This is happening in people and churches all across our country and world. Part of how we’re responding is by hosting Revival Services at GraceLand Church.

Sun, Feb 2, 9am or 10:30am
Sun, Feb 2, 6:30pm
Mon, Feb 3, 6:30pm

1667 Lewisburg Pike, Franklin, TN

You’re invited! Kids are more than welcome in the services, but we also have full Kids Ministry for both Sunday morning services and childcare for ages 0 – 2nd grade for both evening services.

Our guest speaker is Gary Spell. He, along with our pastors, leaders, and worship team, will be ministering throughout the nights. Gary has a profound gift for the ministry of the Word and the ministry of the Spirit. We know you will be blessed! We look forward to seeing you there. Come with expectant hearts.