12|13|20|Joy To The World|Nathan Kollar December 13, 2020 This Sunday, we continued our series on Christmas Promises with a message about joy. Our prayer is that you will be encouraged...
11|22|2020|Salvation|Nathan Kollar November 22, 2020 A misunderstanding of how we are saved and what it means to be saved can be deeply harmful and disillusioning. This Sunday, we’ll...
11|15|2020| Answered Prayer | Nathan Kollar November 15, 2020 This Sunday, we’ll look at the promise of answered prayer. Our hope is that you will be stirred to a deeper life of faith, trust,...
11|8|2020| Church As Family | Nathan Kollar November 8, 2020 On this Sunday, we begin a new series called “God’s Promises for His Children.We’ll look at the promise of being His...
11|1|2020|Willie and Donna Tatem |An interview with Nathan Kollar November 1, 2020 This Sunday, we are thrilled to have our own Pastor Willie and Donna Tatem share some of their story and invaluable wisdom with...
10|25|2020|Being the Beloved |Nathan Kollar October 25, 2020 This Sunday, we look at what it means to more fully be the beloved of God. Our prayer is that you will hold to the promise of His...
10|18|2020|The Guidance of the Holy Spirit |Nathan Kollar October 18, 2020 This Sunday, we continue our series, Missio Dei, and look at the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our prayer is that you will hold to the...
10|11|2020|Announcement of the KING | Nathan Kollar October 11, 2020 We continue our series, Missio Dei, and look at the announcement of the Kingdom of God. Our prayer is that you will more...